Christmas Angels
Angels form a significant part of Christmas legends. In Greek, the word 'angel'
means dressesmessengers.
In the popular Christmas stories, angels are the
messengers of God, who played a prominent part in the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.
They are personified as heavenly creatures with a pair of wings and a halo.
The wings symbolize immortality, virtue, peace, love, cleanliness and innocence,
while the halo is the symbol of their native to heaven. Many fairy tales and bedtime
stories are centered on them and their good deeds done to humankind. Read on to
know more about Christmas angel
The history of Christmas angels finds its mention in the New Testament,
according to which, angels are categorized into nine ranks, Seraphim and
Cherubim holding the top ranks. Saint Michael, an archangel, is regarded
as the head of all angels. According to the legends, every human being has
his/her own guardian angel, which protects him/her from evil spirits.
Angels were perceived as per the Christian doctrine only around 1100-1200 AD.
The heavenly creature plays a significant role in Christianity.